BEgin ToDAY!

This is the ERA of the EAR:

     Spiritual Awakening

    Mid-LIFE Cross-roads

     Creative Invitation

      SOUL Initiation

        LOVE ERA

TransLATE TransMUTE TransFORM!”©.



Together we LOOK LISTEN LEARN LOVE to co-create JOY!



I see You:

tender BEing

resilient LOVEr


vulnERAble HUMAN


Sovereign story-teller

Strategic space holder

BEautiful bridge-builder

Pioneering Culture-maker

sacRED EARTH consultant

comPASSIONate counsellor

LEVEL-headed Sensitive


LIGHT Worker

HOME Makers




I invite You to WelCOME HOMe.

I am devoted to the sacred space and cannot wait to SEE what transFORMations take place within You, while we co-create together.

WelCOME HOME experiences are depth enCOUNTers, short courses, with monthly LIVE online gatherings, with special guests, and the opportunity to join the wider, all IN, SIMPLE invitation.

These emergent practices are all offered to support us through the TIMEs that we are living IN NOW. WelCOME HOMe is a healing space, aLIVE, BEautiful, precious treaSURE that is shared in trUSt. We weave these sacred rituals, sovereign metaphors, into the wider fabric of our OWN life.

I hope You will join me on this SOUL journey.

I trUSt You are called to BE EXactly wHERE You are most required. LOVE celebrated, a connective tissue, complete IN each cycle.

The reach, results and real ease I deLIVEr, in this area, is DEEPly felt, somatic, visceral and BElow the SKIN, BEtWEen the BElly, HEART & MIND…ACTually – MORE like all that and BEyond!

NO to Drama,

YES to Dharma!”

As I say…

“Trust yourself to choose something NEW.
Whatever You choose is perfect for You NOW

What is BEing HUMAN and what has it got to do with Spiritual Awakening?


Who out there is offering a part of the answers I seek?


These are the key questions I struggled with, and wished I had support with, 20 years ago.

This is why I am now determined to share my answers, what worked and failed, and BEtter LISTEN to DREAMS and DESIRES.

You have questions, symptoms, or a DESIRE to connect with others who are committed to BEing of Sovereign Service?


  • You do not know where to BEgin?


  • You are unclear on where to start?


  • You acknowledge that unfulfilled DREAMS is NO longer the path for You?

                         WelCOME to any of my SOUL Services!

If You are a HUMAN:

In your mid 30s who is curious about what comes new, and dares to ask what is next?

In your 40s and wondering if You are ready to show up with a BEtter version of yourself?

In your 50s deciding it is not too late to own your power?

in your 60s willing to share your lessons with others?

in your 70s cause the coolest HUMANs I know are thriving at this age.

BE an example we can all BEnefit from basking under and BEing guided by!

Then the EXperiences shared are for You.

60-90 minutes of empowering, interactive, participatory, TEACHing and HEALing information, peppered with story-telling and sharing, that will answer these questions and more!

You receive some clear guidance on actions You can take to BEnefit your spiritual awakening, personal development and grant You tools to review where You are in your LIFE (DREAMS and DESIRES) path.

“This beautiful, powerful, humble soul, Yolanda Sokiri-Munn, graced my life with support and validation of who I showed up as everyday in my work. Just like a soft breeze she encourages me to pursue my gifts all the more. The Positive Force that she is, speaks to the soul, adding a peaceful joy that affirms showing up as myself in the world. My life has been strengthened by the selfless love shown by her and I’m truly grateful for her continued presence in my life. With Love”

– Makia White

“Yolanda is a gem in her own right. She has a calmness about her that makes you feel safe and protected. She puts spirit above all and holds a space for high vibrational energy. My grandfather came to her in spirit within 24 hours of my mom spending more time than I am accustomed to speaking about him. There was no way Yolanda knew my mother and I had this conversation. My father also came to her the day before his birthday, though, based on her location it was already his birthday. She is an energized being that has a way with words and provides a soothing salve to your soul.”

– Ian Kaleb

“If you’re always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.”

– Maya Angelou

Do not be silent; there is no limit to the power that may be released through you.

– Howard Thurman

“It is not what you hear, it is where you listen from within yourself that gives meaning to the message”

– Iyanla Vanzant

“If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably you”

– Robert Holden