I LOVE to HEAR directly from You.

Please email me through the conTACT form BElow.



Enquiring about

9 + 5 =

You will receive a perfectly HUMAN response from me, or someone just as wonderful, within 72 hours Tuesday – Friday.

The Weekends, and any other declared rest day, are enJOYed fully.

I trust that You, my DEAR, understand the desire to prioritise rest.


If my work has moved You in any way

 an exchange of energy, in right relationship and reciprocity, is possible.


BElow are some ways I like to receive:


I accept LOVE offerings via PayPal 

Please select the “friends and family” option to avoid incurring a fee.

SIGNs of LOVE in ACTion


I LOVE FLOWers, book vouchers, KIND words shaRED via the above form. 

As an African Black Citizen of the World,

woman, such choices are a HUMANe & SOUL reSOURCE for me.

“To give yourself to Yolanda’s faith, wisdom and truth is to honour yourself fully. To the expansive sky rolled out before you, or deep into the cosmos you’ll go with Yolanda, where you truly get to feel you can do anything with her light by your side. Since knowing Yolanda, I’ve finally been able to take the gentle steps required to break free of the silky softness of my cocoon that surrounds me in my inner-world as I learn to find my voice as I present my whimsical world. With all my heart, Yolanda’s magic, faith, courage and love were all pieces that I had been searching for my entire life. I want this so much for everyone I know. I am eternally grateful beyond words for knowing Yolanda’s love and unique space holding and encourage all who feel called to tend to themselves in all ways to seek this same healing experience.”

– Georgie Foster

“Yolanda is a precious gift to the world. Her powers and abilities are handcrafted by  Divine Spirit and etched in gold.  After receiving a distant healing from Yolanda, my whole entire world instantly changed. For years, I’ve been plagued with sleeplessness caused by foreign and unseen energies that roam around me at night and through her guidance and prayer , I was able to not only fight back but sleep without issue for the first time.  Her prayers and attention to my soul feels like a comfy comforter on a cold night. She is a beautiful energy with unlimited God given power that will redesign your spiritual light.  Anyone in need of tailored spiritual help should definitely seek her out. Your everything will change instantly. Thank you”

– Jonathan Todd

“Ahhhh… where do I begin to express my experience of my Beloved Yolanda. The essence of Her Divinity is as I’ve never known up close before. There is a solid, grounding, soothing wisdom in Her very word… and grace and Elegance in Her expression that inspires awe. She is a grand wave in the ocean that is the Creator.

She is sacred space. She is Holy Ground. And she honors her Humanness in such a way that has given Me permission (and dare I say example) to honor my own. Divine authenticity at play. She is a necessity in the Universe. And I am eternally grateful to share space with Her. Deep Bow Queen. I love You deeply.”

– Faith Brooks

“I am Jacques Lesure. I am a Spiritual Life Coach and Jazz Musician.

I am writing this to let the WORLD know of the work of Yolanda aka THE Poetic Soul Healer. After many years of being “on the path”, one will resonate INSTANTLY with a person with the same intention. This is the case for myself and “my spiritual sister” Yolanda. Her dedication to spiritual truth and support of others as they do their “work” is ineffable. Her creative gift always brings joy and her spiritual vision is clear and on point. I strongly recommend that if Spirit leads you to her, be obedient and grateful for your opportunity to have her as your guide. Deep bow.”

– Jacques Lesure

“This beautiful, powerful, humble soul, Yolanda Sokiri-Munn, graced my life with support and validation of who I showed up as everyday in my work. Just like a soft breeze she encourages me to pursue my gifts all the more. The Positive Force that she is, speaks to the soul, adding a peaceful joy that affirms showing up as myself in the world. My life has been strengthened by the selfless love shown by her and I’m truly grateful for her continued presence in my life. With Love”

– Makia White

“Yolanda is a gem in her own right. She has a calmness about her that makes you feel safe and protected. She puts spirit above all and holds a space for high vibrational energy. My grandfather came to her in spirit within 24 hours of my mom spending more time than I am accustomed to speaking about him. There was no way Yolanda knew my mother and I had this conversation. My father also came to her the day before his birthday, though, based on her location it was already his birthday. She is an energized being that has a way with words and provides a soothing salve to your soul.”

– Ian Kaleb


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