You will receive a perfectly HUMAN response from me, or someone just as wonderful, within 72 hours Tuesday – Friday.
The Weekends, and any other declared rest day, are enJOYed fully.
I trust that You, my DEAR, understand the desire to prioritise rest.
If my work has moved You in any way
an exchange of energy, in right relationship and reciprocity, is possible.
BElow are some ways I like to receive:
I accept LOVE offerings via PayPal
Please select the “friends and family” option to avoid incurring a fee.
SIGNs of LOVE in ACTion
I LOVE FLOWers, book vouchers, KIND words shaRED via the above form.
As an African Black Citizen of the World,
woman, such choices are a HUMANe & SOUL reSOURCE for me.